Increase sponsorships, donations and smiles!

Stand out from the crowd of same ole golf tournament gifts and prizes while gaining more sponsors and donation dollars for your charity. YourTeeShot can help you:

  • Provide more memorable gifts/prizes 
  • Amplify the fun on a featured hole
  • Create more laughs and fun
  • Increase sponsorship and donation dollars

Special pricing is offered to charities as our way of supporting all of the charities that partner with us.

Check out our video on how to elevate your golf tournament gifts and increase your sponsorship fundraising here or below.

Elevate Your Golf Tournament Gifts And Make the Turn To Where Fun Meets Fundraising!

  • Longest Drive/Closest to the Pin

    Turn typically low sponsorship Par 4/5's into high value opportunities and/or give new meaning to closest to the hole

    • Everyone has to use YourTeeShots for their shot/drive
    • Longest drive/ closest to the pin/that hits it cleanly wins an additional prize
    • Everyone is a winner and gets a YourTeeShot  
    • Sell beverage shots and/or get sponsors to provide.
  • A Shot At Success

    Giving your charity the Best Shot at Success

    • Participants can enter for the challenge to hit it on the green using YourTeeShots, (Suggest $20-$50 entry)
    • If the player hits it clean and on the green they get a shot of booze and a YourTeeShot and they get their money back.
    • If they miss hit the shot or don’t get it on the green they pay the designated amount, but they still get to do a shot (poured after the person hits their shot) and keep the YourTeeShot. 

    This is different than closest to the pin as there are multiple winners, rather than just one

  • Attract New Sponsors and/or Increase Investments

    Add value to your sponsorship opportunities (title sponsor) and/or cover the cost of providing gifts 

    • Increase the investment for the title sponsorship and include sponsors logo on YourTeeShot as added promotional exposure/benefit
    • Have a sponsor pay for the YourTeeShots to cover the cost for the gifts or add a $ premium and make some money as well
    • Combine with sponsoring a designated hole 

    Note: we can print on two sides featuring your charity and your sponsor

We Love Working With Charities, Let's Discuss How We Can Help Your Charity.